Fleming Colorado Town Projects

Fleming Town Projects

Check out all of the projects taking place in Fleming. We may be on the smaller side, but the Town of Fleming has a lot of projects going on with a lot to take part in. Our projects are listed below and updated weekly.

Current Fleming Town Projects

Fleming Colorado Community Center

Community Center New Amenities

Construction Date: 2024

Location: Fleming Community Center

Wifi has now been added to the Fleming Community Center and is available upon rental.

A television also will be available for those renting the Community Center. The Town Council is figuring out the best solution for keeping the new TV safe and secure. The new television will be available for use with Community Center rentals in Fall of 2024.

Price adjustments for rentals will be made as these new features become available.

Fleming Colorado Main Road

Repaving of Main Road

Construction Date: TBD

Location: North and South Logan Ave

Sue Einsphar and Stefan Betley, along with the Town Treasurer Lewis Frank, have put together an application for a grant along with other towns in Northeastern Colorado that should be able to help repave and fix Fleming's Main Road. The grant has been accepted, the Town is now just waiting to see what the next steps are.

UPDATE: The accepted grant application was for the planning and engineering cost to fix Main Street, not the construction itself. It could take up to 4 years for this funding for planning & engineering to be received.

Fleming Colorado Town Projects

Sewer Project

Construction Date: Completed

Purpose: The Town was required to update the sewer system to prevent sewage seeping down and contaminating the ground. The Town was also required to build an additional two sewage ponds, making a total of 3 sewage ponds.

A loan & grant were taken out by the Town, and the Town now pays back this loan through a fee added onto residents utility bills.

The loan is scheduled to be paid off by November 2049.

Resolution #1-2019 outlines the loan details, you can find Resolution #1-2019 here.

Make sure to check back, more projects & updates will be added soon!