Fleming Colorado Library

Fleming Community Library

The Fleming Community Library is an intergovernmental agreement between the Town of Fleming, The Frenchmen Re-1 School District, and the Fleming Library Board. The Fleming Community Library offers a wide variety of reading and materials for all ages and hosts an annual Summer Reading Program as well as a weekly Story Time for kids of all school ages.

 Library Hours

Join us for Storytime:

Story Time is every Monday at 10:30 AM

Upcoming Storytimes: Dec. 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, & 30th

Join us for a special storytime on December 9th from 2- 3 PM with Reggie the Reindeer! Make sure to wear a warm jacket!

All ages are welcome!

Monday, December 9th Hours: 12:00-4:00 PM

Closed for Christmas, December 24th-27th

Closed for New Years, December 31st & Jan 1st

Regular Hours:

Mondays: 9:00 AM-1:00 PM

Tuesdays: 8:00 AM-4:30 PM

Wednesdays: 8:00 AM-4:30 PM

Thursdays: 8:00 AM-4:30 PM

Fridays: 8:00 AM-4:00 PM

Find updates, pictures, and upcoming Story Times on the Fleming Community Library Facebook page.

For further information or clarification,

please call 265-2046 or 520-6523.

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Colorado Fleming Community Library

Our Physical Library Collection: Check out our physical library inventory or request books from other libraries and have them sent to us for you to pick up

Our Digital Library Collection: Find our collection of Kindle ebooks and audio book catalog in our online, digital library *Library card required for sign-in

These links will take you outside of this website.

Fleming Colorado Community Library Schedule

See What's Happening at the Library