Fleming Colorado Town Meeting Summary

DISCLAIMER: These are unofficial minutes for the May 2024 Town Council Meeting hosted at the Town Hall on May 8th at 6:30PM. These minutes are unofficial and unapproved, as the minutes for each meeting are approved and certified at the following Town Council Meeting. Therefore, these minutes are subject to change and won't be approved until the June 2024 Town Council Meeting.

All Town Meeting Summaries are also posted in the Fleming Focus


May 8, 2024

The Fleming Town Council held their regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, May 8, 2024. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Stefan Betley at 6:30pm. The following council members were present: Andrew Muller, Bill Langridge, Bonnie Jackson, and Alex Gapter. Suzanne Wales arrived at 6:32pm. Cathy Castillo arrived at 6:39pm.

Also Present: Joe Marick (left at 6:52pm), Sam Wolever Jr. (left at 7:12pm), Grace Rossignol (left at 6:55pm), Joelle and Daniel Gapter, Lewis Frank, Michelle Asfeld, and Justin Hickey (arrived at 6:32pm and left at 7:12pm).

Additions/Corrections to the Agenda:

Betley asked to delete ‘council vacancy’ and add ‘bank memo’ under Discussion Items. He then asked for other additions or corrections to the agenda. Hearing none, it was moved and seconded to approve the agenda as printed. Motion passed unanimously.

Public Comment:

Marick spoke to the council about the town clean-up and the increasing incidents of residents not adhering to the rules. He indicated that Marick’s has been providing the town clean-up service for approximately 25 years. Marick and his employees spent 10 hours in Fleming. They encountered piles that were intermixed, tree limbs and lumber that was not cut to size or bundled, tires, and several extra-large piles. He asked the council to consider some additional reimbursement for his efforts. The council assured Marick they would deal with this request later in the meeting, under action items.

Wolever approached the council on behalf of the Volunteer Fire Department July 4th fireworks display. There has been a price increase for the fireworks and the department has seen fewer monetary donations. He thanked the council for their past financial support and to again consider a donation. He then went on to ask about individual’s responsibilities at the cemetery, specifically are people required to trim around family headstones. Hickey responded that the town employees had just mowed the parks and cemetery for the first time and had not trimmed around the headstones yet. Wolever finished by asking the council to look into whether there is any additional solar initiative rebate available.

Rossignol thanked the council for giving her the opportunity to be the Town librarian. She has thoroughly enjoyed the time she has been in Fleming and getting to know the community.

Media Relations Coordinator Report

Gapter has been working on getting information out about the town-wide yard sale on June 8th and will post about the Fleming Volunteer Fire Department’s Annual 4th of July fireworks and BBQ.

Consent Agenda:

A motion was made and seconded to approve the consent agenda consisting of the April minutes and bills. Motion passed unanimously.

Maintenance Report:

Hickey told the council that the repairs and clean-up from the windstorm have been completed. They continue to trim branches that are near power lines. The maintenance employees are also busy mowing and spraying weeds. Hickey also told the council that they will be patching the potholes again this year. Water has been turned on at the parks and will be turned on at the cemetery. Mosquito fogging will begin when needed.

Clerk’s Report:

Asfeld shared that there was a farewell and welcome party for the Town librarians that she attended.

Treasurer’s Report:

Frank presented the Treasurer’s Report. It was moved and seconded to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Motion passed unanimously. Frank informed the council that the investments at Bank of Colorado/Raymond James have matured. It was moved and seconded to leave the investments at Bank of Colorado, dividing the money between a 6-month CD and a 12-month CD. Motion passed unanimously. Frank let the council know that the annual audit is set for May 20th & 21st.

Health and Safety:

No report

Action Items:

1. The council received a revised letter of resignation from Rossignol, resigning on May 9th instead of May 16th . With reluctance, it was moved and seconded to accept the resignation. Motion carried.

2. The council discussed the annual donation to the Fleming Volunteer Fire Department. It was moved and seconded to contribute $1,000 to this year’s fireworks display. Motion passed unanimously.

3. The council discussed an additional payment to Marick’s for compensation for the Town Clean-up. They appreciate the service he provides and noted that he also provides the recycling service at no cost. It was moved and seconded to compensate Marick’s an additional $600 for the town clean-up. Motion passed unanimously.

Discussion Items:

1. The council turned their attention to discussing repairs to the community center roof from last year’s storm. Spelts Roofing has been talking with the insurance company to try and resolve reimbursement differences.

2. The council discussed the possibility of a new shop building.

3. The council discussed the former motel building. This will move to an action item for the June meeting.

4. Betley read a letter the council received from the First National Bank of Fleming. They are developing an interruption in business plan and are asking about the possibility of using the community center if something would happen to the bank building.

Upcoming Meetings:

Colorado Municipal League District 1 Spring meeting – May 16th in Fort Morgan.

Town Council meeting – June 12th at the Town Hall at 6:30pm.


A motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 8:10pm Motion passed unanimously.