Fleming Colorado Town Meeting Summary June 2024

DISCLAIMER: These are unofficial minutes for the June 2024 Town Council Meeting hosted at the Town Hall on June 12th at 6:30PM. These minutes are unofficial and unapproved, as the minutes for each meeting are approved and certified at the following Town Council Meeting. Therefore, these minutes are subject to change and won't be approved until the July 2024 Town Council Meeting.

All Town Meeting Summaries are also posted in the Fleming Focus


June 12, 2024

The Fleming Town Council held their regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, June 12, 2024.

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Stefan Betley at 6:31pm. The following council members were present: Cathy Castillo, Bill Langridge, Bonnie Jackson, and Alex Gapter. Andrew Muller and Suzanne Wales were absent.

Also Present: Scott Szabo (left at 6:45pm), Thomas Bean (left at 7:52pm), Keith Beck (left at 6:55pm), Joelle and Daniel Gapter, Michelle Asfeld, and Lewis Frank. Additions/Corrections to the Agenda:

Betley asked for additions or corrections to the agenda. Hearing none, it was moved and seconded to approve the agenda as printed. Motion passed unanimously.

Public Comment:

Szabo presented the audit report from the audit conducted in May. He related that the audit went well, and that the Town of Fleming is in good financial condition. The Town has a very healthy reserve fund and 2 of the 3 enterprise funds (electric and water) are also in good shape. The sewer fund is showing signs of a possible rate adjustment. Following Szabo’s report, it was moved and seconded to accept the audit. Motion passed unanimously.

Consent Agenda:

A motion was made and seconded to approve the consent agenda consisting of the May minutes and bills. Motion passed unanimously.

Maintenance Report:

Beck shared with the council that he had purchased several transformers following the recent windstorm damage. He wanted the council to be aware that the cost of the transformers are nearly 3 times what they were in the past. He has also had communication from Western Area Power Authority (WAPA), that they will be replacing the transformer at the substation. This action will cause a power outage for the town. Beck will stay in contact with WAPA so that sufficient early notification can be provided to the citizens as to the timing of the outage, (currently several months away). The maintenance employees have been replacing some manual read water meters. Fogging for mosquitos has begun and will continue every Tuesday evening, weather permitting, throughout the summer.

Clerk’s Report:

Asfeld discussed a software product that she had investigated as a possible option to help track ownership and availability of cemetery plots. She shared her concerns about the software and after council discussion it was determined to look at other options.

Gapter reminded the council about the upcoming 4th of July celebration, and that they had provided soda floats at last year’s event. The council agreed to do the same this year.

Treasurer’s Report:

Frank presented the Treasurer’s Report. It was moved and seconded to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Motion passed unanimously. Frank asked the council to consider moving a portion of the monies in the NOW checking account to an account that will provide a better rate of return. After some discussion, it was decided additional information would be helpful before making a final decision. Frank will report back next month.

Action Items:

1. The council discussed the end of the probation period for the newly hired town librarian. Compliments were voiced about her enthusiasm and creative ideas. It was moved and seconded to increase her hourly pay. Motion passed unanimously.

2. The council discussed the possibility of a new equipment/shop building. Mayor Betley shared wording for a request for a proposal/bid. It was moved and seconded to move forward with the request for a proposal/bid. Motion passed unanimously.

3. Frank informed the council that Spelts Roofing is still waiting to receive a small portion of the product needed to replace roofs for town hall, community center and shop. They have enough materials to start on the community center, potentially next week.

4. A conditional use letter was discussed for the 1st National Bank of Fleming, for the purpose of planning for possible interruption to their business. It was moved and seconded to accept the letter as written. Motion passed unanimously.

5. The council discussed the newly acquired “former” motel and café building. Discussion centered around enticing someone to purchase and clean up the sight. It was moved and seconded to solicit bids with a minimum bid of $15,000. Motion passed unanimously.

Discussion Items:

1. Langridge and Jackson shared some of the issues discussed at the recent Colorado Municipal League district meeting in Fort Morgan.

2. The council discussed the potential need for additional land at the cemetery. The council directed staff to contact Mark Cochran about the possibility of purchasing land. The memorial wall was also discussed as there is room for just 4 more names. Staff will contact a monument company about possible options to accommodate more names.

3. The council discussed the need for a work session. It was agreed to hold a work session on July 24th at the community center, starting at 6:30pm.

4. Castillo brought to the council’s attention that the surface of the splash pad is slippery. She thought that a surface coating had been applied initially to mitigate this issue. After some discussion, it was determined to look into another application of the coating.

5. Castillo also asked fellow council members to think about some type of shade for the bench by the splash pad. It is extremely hot for people to sit in the sun.

Upcoming Meetings:

Town Council meeting – July 10th at the Town Hall at 6:30pm.

Council and staff work session - July 24th at the community center at 6:30pm.


A motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 8:16pm. Motion passed unanimously.