Fleming Colorado Open Real Estate Bids

The Town of Fleming obtained the old motel/cafe building at the beginning of 2024 and is now looking for bids from someone who can help turn the property into a prosperous business in Fleming.

The Town of Fleming is looking to sell the following property: Lot 17 and the South 40 feet x 140 feet of Lot 18, Block 1, Hillside Addition, in the Town of Fleming. Property address is: 105 West Weston. This building is also known as the motel/cafe building.

Fleming Colorado 105 West Weston

Property is being sold as is, with a minimum bid of $15,000.00. A successful bid will also include a Building Permit proposal. Once your bid is accepted, you must continue to make progress on your project until completion. The Fleming Town Council has the right to refuse any or all bids.  

Bids are due by July 8, 2024, addressed as:

Town of Fleming, Attn: Bid Proposal, P.O. Box 468, Fleming, CO 80728.

If you wish to inspect the property, please contact the Fleming Maintenance Supervisor at 970-265-2262.