Town Meeting Summary December 2024 Fleming Colorado

DISCLAIMER: These are unofficial minutes for the December 2024 Town Council Meeting hosted at the Town Hall on December 11th at 6:45 PM. These minutes are unofficial and unapproved, as the minutes for each meeting are approved and certified at the following Town Council Meeting. Therefore, these minutes are subject to change and won't be approved until the January 2025 Town Council Meeting.

All Town Meeting Summaries are also posted in the Fleming Focus


December 11, 2024

The Fleming Town Council held its regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, December 11, 2024. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Stefan Betley at 6:46 PM. The following council members were present: Cathy Castillo, Bill Langridge, Bonnie Jackson, Suzanne Wales, and Alex Gapter. Andrew Muller was absent.

Also Present: Marvin Einspahr, Niyol Wind Representatives: Joe, Nathan, Tyreen, and Chris (left at 7:16 PM), Justin and Milinda Hickey (left at 6:52 PM), Joelle and Daniel Gapter, Michelle Asfeld and Lewis Frank.

Additions/Corrections to the Agenda:

Betley asked for additions or corrections to the agenda. Hearing none, it was moved and seconded to approve the agenda. Motion passed unanimously.

Public Comment:

There was no additional public comment as there had been a public hearing prior to the meeting on a Niyol Variance Permit and the 2025 Budget.

Consent Agenda:

A motion was made and seconded to approve the consent agenda, consisting of the November minutes and bills. Motion passed unanimously.

Maintenance Report:

J.Hickey reported that time is being spent working on resolving issues with several pieces of equipment. The required copper and lead test for the town water supply have been submitted. Maintenance employees will be working on some street drainage issues on the north side of Town.

Treasurer’s Report:

Frank presented the Treasurer’s Report. Frank informed the council that the Raymond James investment account had been liquidated and the funds transferred to ColoTrust. It was moved and seconded to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Motion passed unanimously. Frank then gave a quick overview of the 2025 budget.

1. It was moved and seconded to accept the third and final reading of the 2025 budget. Motion passed unanimously .

2. It was moved and seconded to approve Resolution #8-2024 Adoption of Budget. Motion passed unanimously.

3. It was moved and seconded to adopt Resolution #9-2024 Appropriating Sums of Money for the General Fund. Motion passed unanimously.

4. It was moved and seconded to adopt Resolution #10-2024 Appropriating Sums of Money for the Electric Fund. Motion passed unanimously.

5. It was moved and seconded to adopt Resolution #11-2024 Appropriating Sums of Money for the Water Fund. Motion passed unanimously.

6. It was moved and seconded to adopt Resolution #12-2024 Appropriating Sums of Money for the Sewer Fund. Motion passed unanimously.

7. It was moved and seconded to adopt Resolution #13-2024 Appropriating Sums of Money for the Conservation Trust Fund. Motion passed unanimously.

8. It was moved and seconded to adopt Resolution #14-2024 Set Mill Levy. Motion passed unanimously.

9. It was moved and seconded to certify the Mill Levy. Motion passed unanimously.

Clerk’s Report:

No report

Action Items:

1. The council discussed the variance request from Niyol Wind regarding access to their facility. It was moved and seconded to approve a variance for 13 months. Motion passed unanimously. The council asked Niyol Wind to provide updates regarding their work with CDOT. It was also suggested that other possible solutions be explored in the meantime, in case there is a denial from CDOT.

2. The party involved with the dog compliance issue had stated in a written note that they would like additional time to find homes for the excess dogs. After giving the party an additional week, hoping they would come to the council meeting to discuss the issues, the town will move forward with the notice of violation and associated process.

3. A Christmas gift for town employees was discussed. It was moved and seconded to give the employees a Christmas gift. Motion passed. A.Gapter abstained.

Discussion Items:

1. A notice advertising for a custodian for the community center will be in the Fleming Focus and on the town website. Depending on the response, interviews will tentatively be scheduled for January 3rd.

2. Cost estimates for a new equipment/shop building are still awaited.

3. Jackson talked to the council about Fleming hosting a meeting for the Logan County Council on Aging group. The meeting would take place in the first quarter of the new year.

Upcoming Meetings:

MEAN Resource Sharing meeting on December 12, 2024, in Imperial, NE @ 10:30 AM.

Town Council meeting on January 8, 2025 @ 6:30 PM at Town Hall.


A motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 7:33 PM. Motion passed unanimously.