DISCLAIMER: These are unofficial minutes for the February 2025 Town Council Meeting hosted at the Town Hall on February 12th at 6:30 PM. These minutes are unofficial and unapproved, as the minutes for each meeting are approved and certified at the following Town Council Meeting. Therefore, these minutes are subject to change and won't be approved until the March 2025 Town Council Meeting.
All Town Meeting Summaries are also posted in the Fleming Focus.
February 12, 2025
The Fleming Town Council held their regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, February 12, 2025. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Stefan Betley at 6:30pm. The following council members were present: Bill Langridge, Kamie Lambrecht and Bonnie Jackson. Milinda Hickey was absent.
Also Present: Josh Wernsman, Scott Walker, Joelle Gapter, Lewis Frank and Michelle Asfeld.
Additions/Corrections to the Agenda:
Betley suggested amending the agenda due to the cold weather so that everyone could get home as soon as possible. He asked that agenda items F (Maintenance Superintendent’s Report), H (Clerk’s Report) and K (Discussion Items) 1 (Cost estimates for equipment building), 2 (RAISE Grant) and 4 (Foot Stones at the Cemetery) to be tabled. It was moved and seconded to approve the amended agenda. Motion passed unanimously.
Public Comment:
No public comment.
Consent Agenda:
A motion was made and seconded to approve the consent agenda consisting of the January minutes and bills. Motion passed unanimously.
Oath of Office:
Betley announced that there are two vacant council positions after Muller’s resignation letter was read towards the end of the January meeting. He asked if there were individuals present who would be interested in filling said positions. Both Walker and Wernsman indicated their interest. Both shared a brief background of themselves and of their interest in serving on the council.
It was moved and seconded to seat Wernsman on the council for a 2-year term. Motion passed unanimously.
It was moved and seconded to seat Walker on the council for a 2-year term. Motion passed unanimously.
Asfeld proceeded to administer the Oath of Office to the two new council members. Wernsman and Walker then joined the other council members at the table.
Treasurer’s Report:
Frank reviewed the financial reports that had previously been provided to the council. It was moved and seconded to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Motion passed unanimously.
Action Items:
1. The council reviewed Resolution #1-2025, Setting Day, Time and Posting Places of the Agenda. It states that regular meetings shall be held on the second Wednesday of each month, starting at 6:30 p.m. The official posting places for public meetings and hearings shall be the Fleming Town Hall, Fleming Post Office, and on the Fleming website (flemingcolorado.us). It was moved and seconded to approve the resolution. Motion passed unanimously.
2. The council reviewed Proclamation #2-2025-America 250-Colorado 150 Proclamation. The proclamation engages the Town of Fleming in the commemorative activities leading up to and during the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence and Colorado’s 150th anniversary. It was moved and seconded to sign the proclamation. Motion passed unanimously.
3. The council reviewed the draft WAPA/MEAN contract #24-SLC-1348. It was moved and seconded to approve the draft contract. Motion passed unanimously.
4. The Distracted Driving Policy needs to be updated with the addition of the words “At Risk” ahead of Prohibited Activities. The town’s insurance provider suggested this updated language. It was moved and seconded to make this suggested change. Motion passed unanimously.
5. Kiki’s Bar and Grill submitted the required liquor license renewal paperwork. Following a brief discussion, it was moved and seconded to approve the renewal. The required voice vote followed with each council member voting in the affirmative.
Discussion Items:
1. An employee appreciation dinner was discussed. It was decided that March 28th will be the date. Asfeld will contact Kiki’s to make the necessary arrangements.
2. Betley announced that there will be a work session on Friday, February 14th, at 9:00 am at the Town Hall to address the agenda items that were tabled.
Upcoming Meetings:
Town Council meeting on March 12, 2025, at 6:30 p.m. at Town Hall.
A motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 7:08 p.m. Motion passed unanimously.