Mosquito fogging will be taking place tonight from 7PM-10PM starting on the North side. Thank you!
The Fleming Fall Festival is just TWO days away! Check out the full schedule and make sure to join the festivities! 🍁
The Town will be sweeping Main street on Thursday, Sept. 21st in preparation for Fall Festival, so please do not park on the streets tomorrow. Thank you!
Town Maintenance began mosquito fogging tonight until Well #3 began experiencing issues. They stopped mosquito fogging early and went to work on the well. Thank you for understanding.
Mosquito fogging is taking place tonight from 7PM-9:30PM
"The Wild West of Fleming" Annual Fall Festival is one week away!
Find the full schedule here:
The Fleming Town Council meeting is tonight, Wednesday September 13th at 6:30PM at the Town Hall. The Town Council Meeting agenda is available for viewing on our website now:
Fleming Focus 9-8-2023
Mosquito fogging has been cancelled tonight due to a sports event at the school.
Mosquito fogging will be taking place tonight from 7PM-9:30PM. Thank you!
The September Town Council meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 13th at 6:30PM. This is a public meeting and we encourage all residents to attend to find out what's happening in Fleming.
Happy Labor Day from the Town of Fleming!
We hope you had a great weekend!
Well #3 temporarily shut off which has caused well #1 to start pumping as a back up. Residents may have noticed that the tap water is bubbly. This is typical of well #1. There is nothing wrong with the water, let it sit for about 30 seconds and it will clear up. Town Maintenance has corrected the problem with the Town's main well, and the water should regain its clarity within the next 12 hrs. Thank you for your understanding.
The Splash Pad will be turned off for Fall/Winter after Labor Day, so it is the last weekend to enjoy it! 💦
The Splash Pad will be turned back on Memorial Day 2024
Mosquito fogging is happening tonight from 7PM to 9:30PM.
Mosquito fogging began tonight at 7:00PM and will end at 9:30PM. We apologize for the late notice.
The Fleming Town Hall, Town Shop, & Library will be closed Monday, September 4th for Labor Day. Normal hours will resume Tuesday, September 5th.
Fleming Focus 8-25-2023
Join us Wednesday, August 30th 5:45PM at the Fleming Community Center for a Town Project Meeting with the Town Project Committee to discuss projects needing to be done in Fleming, so that the town may pursue grants for funding.
Interested in taking part of a low commitment role with other Fleming residents who have a passion for preserving and sharing history?
You might be interested in joining the Fleming Historical Society!
If you're interested in joining, contact Rick Unrein at 970-520-3565
Learn more about Fleming's History here: