Power should be back up and running. There were two fuses blown, as well as the fuse holder. We're hoping the fuse holder has been the issue the whole time and we won't see anymore outages. Thank you for your understanding and be sure to call Town Maintenance if you're still experiencing a loss of power.
over 1 year ago, Town of Fleming
Town Maintenance is aware that power has gone out in parts of Fleming and is currently trying to figure out the issue.
over 1 year ago, Town of Fleming
SPLASH PAD💦 HOUSEKEEPING: - Items are being left at the Splash Pad, such as clothes, shoes, & toys; don't forget your items (or remind your kids) and make sure no items are left behind! - IMPORTANT: Please use the restrooms responsibly and talk to your kids about using the restrooms responsibly. If they are continuously misused, they will be locked up for good due to public health and safety.
over 1 year ago, Town of Fleming
Fleming Colorado Splash Pad
Join us Friday, July 21st 5:45PM at the Fleming Community Center for a Town Project Meeting with the newly formed Town Project Committee to discuss projects needing to be done in Fleming, so that the town may pursue grants for funding.
over 1 year ago, Town of Fleming
Fleming Colorado Town Project Meeting
The July Town Council meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 26th at 6:30PM due to scheduling issues with summer schedules.
over 1 year ago, Town of Fleming
Fleming Colorado Town Council Meeting
Power should be back on. Due to weather and a large draw of power, the Town blew a fuse. Town Maintenance has fixed this with another fuse and is driving around Town to ensure there are no other issues.
over 1 year ago, Town of Fleming
The Town is aware parts of Fleming have lost power. Town Maintenance is working on figuring out where and what the issue is now.
over 1 year ago, Town of Fleming
The Fleming Heritage Museum is now open for the summer on Sundays from 2PM-4PM. Stop by and learn more about Fleming's History! Learn more about the museum here: https://www.flemingcolorado.us/page/fleming-history
over 1 year ago, Town of Fleming
Fleming Colorado Heritage Museum
HELP WANTED: Full-Time Maintenance Position (open until filled) Must be able to do mechanical work, operate a mower, weed sprayer, and other equipment. Must have a valid Colorado Driver’s License. Pay negotiable for knowledge and experience. Send Resume to: Town of Fleming PO Box 468 Fleming, Colorado 80728
over 1 year ago, Town of Fleming
Fleming Colorado Help Wanted
Town Maintenance discovered the issue with the power was due to two fuses: one fuse blew and the other had melted, causing the Town's power outage. Power should be back on everywhere, but if you're still having issues, call Town Maintenance at (970) 466-1292 Thank you for your patience!
over 1 year ago, Town of Fleming
Power should be back on. If you're still experiencing issues, you can call Town Maintenance at (970) 466-1292
over 1 year ago, Town of Fleming
Power is out in parts of Fleming, Town Maintenance is on their way to figure out what's going on.
over 1 year ago, Town of Fleming
The Town of Fleming will be fogging for mosquitos twice a week, on Tuesdays & Thursdays at 7PM, for the next few weeks. The mosquitos are much worse than the last few years because of the amount of rainfall we've had.
over 1 year ago, Town of Fleming
Fleming Colorado Mosquito Fogging
The July Town Council meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 26th at 6:30PM due to scheduling issues with summer schedules.
over 1 year ago, Town of Fleming
Fleming Colorado Town Council Meeting
The July Monday Market and free Ice Cream Floats from the Fleming Town Council will still be held at the Fleming Community Center from 5PM-7PM due to impending weather. 🍦🥤 See you all there!
over 1 year ago, Town of Fleming
Fleming Colorado 4th of July
Join us this evening July 4th for the Fleming 4th of July Celebration! 🇺🇸 5PM-7PM | July Monday Market at Heritage Park, the Fleming Museum will be open, and the Fleming Town Council will be serving FREE ice cream soda floats 🥤 6PM-8PM | The Fleming Fire Dept. will have Hotdogs, beans, chips, & drinks for $7 🌭 At Dark | Fireworks on the west side of Fleming by the Fleming Fire Dept. 💥
over 1 year ago, Town of Fleming
Fleming Colorado 4th of July
The Town of Fleming wishes you a happy Fourth of July 🇺🇸 Let's salute our nation's Day of Independence!
over 1 year ago, Town of Fleming
4th of July Fleming, Colorado
The Town Hall will be closed Tuesday, July 4th for Independence day. Regular hours will resume Wednesday, July 5th.
over 1 year ago, Town of Fleming
Fleming Colorado Town Hall
As we do every year, we will fog for mosquitos the night before July 4th. Fogging on Monday, July 3rd will be from 6:30pm-9:30pm or 10:00pm. It will be heavier than usual and will go on unless winds are high or it's pouring rain.
over 1 year ago, Town of Fleming
Fleming Colorado Mosquito Fogging
Town Maintenance is aware of the town-wide power outage. There was an issue at the substation, which is outside of Fleming, and people are on their way over from Brush. Fleming Town Maintenance will be driving around Fleming, once the storm lets up, to make sure there is no issue within Fleming. We recommend people to continue to stay indoors due to the severe weather.
over 1 year ago, Town of Fleming