June 11, 2021 Fleming Focus https://5il.co/tyxg
The town is spraying for mosquitos tonight weather permitting.
The town is aware of the brown outs in town and is working on the problem.
May 28, 2021 Fleming Focus https://5il.co/tdnz
Here is the new Fleming Focus 5/14
4-23-2021 Fleming Focus https://5il.co/rweq
Help Wanted:
The Town of Fleming has a full-time maintenance position available. Must be able to do mechanical work, operate a lawn mower and other equipment. Must have a valid Colorado Driver’s License. Pay negotiable for knowledge and experience.
Send resume to:
Town of Fleming
P.O. Box 468
Fleming, CO 80728
Closing date is May 3, 2021
Here's the April 9th Fleming Focus https://5il.co/rcv9
There will be a public hearing on 4/14 @ the Community Center about the rezoning of the Wild Horse Subdivision and annexation of the Heritage Museum Park and Recreation Area.
Don't forget about the Easter Egg Scramble on Saturday!
Here's the March 26th Fleming Focus https://5il.co/qznh
Here's the newest Fleming Focus https://5il.co/qllp
Here's the February 26th Fleming Focus https://5il.co/q70k
MEAN is asking all municipalities from Colorado to Nebraska to Oklahoma who they supply with electric to reduce their usage. Please find ways to reduce your electric usage as still stay warm and safe.
Here's the newest Fleming Focus https://5il.co/plvg
Due to the upcoming cold weather, please consider opening up the cabinets under your kitchen and bathroom sink and let the cold water trickle so your pipes don't freeze.
Thank you,
Fleming Maintenance Department
The Fire Department will be burning the tree pile by the fire department today and tomorrow.
Here is the newest Fleming Focus https://5il.co/owxk
The Town of Fleming is looking to hire a part-time Treasurer. Training in Power Manager and all aspects of government rules and regulations will be provided for the qualified candidate as well as a chance to gain experience in grant writing and website maintenance. This position requires a self-motivated ambitious individual, good communication skills, basic computer knowledge, strong writing and marketing skills as well as the ability to adapt to daily challenges. Pay is negotiable for experience and education. Please send resume to: Town of Fleming, P.O. Box 468, Fleming, CO 80728. Closing date is January 29th.
The Town of Fleming is accepting sealed bids for the Town Shop and sounding arce. Bids are due to the Town Hall by 4pm 12/22/2020. The Council reserves the right to refuse any or all bids.