September 10, 2021 Fleming Focus https://5il.co/yr7g

In preparation for Fall Fest and Homecoming, the town will be taking multiple days throughout the week to run the street sweeper or broom. The plan is to operate when there is the least amount of traffic and wind to minimize inconvenience and dust. We apologize for any trouble this might cause as we clean and prep the town and look forward to seeing you Saturday!

The Fleming Fall Festival is this Saturday, Sept. 11th - you don't want to miss it!

Limb and tree removal will be continuing in North Park today. The goal is to have it complete by today. Thank you for your flexibility as we tidy up the park.

August 27, 2021 Fleming Focus https://5il.co/y1x0

Tree removal will be occurring at North Park from approx. 8AM-4PM, on the corner of North Fremont and West Champa. This area will be closed to parking and traffic, including the south end of the school parking lot.

July 23, 2021 Fleming Focus https://5il.co/vxhv

There will be no School Board meeting in July because of harvest.
School Board meetings will resume as usual in August.

The Fleming Library has updated summer hours. Find them here: https://www.flemingcolorado.us/page/library

July 9, 2021 Fleming Focus https://5il.co/v9g6

Mosquito fogging did not take place last week due to wind.
As a reminder, mosquito fogging's are Tuesday evenings at 7pm, unless there's wind and rain, in which case it's Thursday evenings at 7pm.
If weather is not permitting either day, it will not occur that week.

Have a safe and happy 4th of July weekend!
Don't forget the Fire Dept.'s 4th of July Dinner & Fireworks
Learn more: https://www.flemingcolorado.us/article/485884

The Fleming Town Hall will be CLOSED Monday, July 5th to observe the federal holiday. Normal hours will resume Tuesday, July 6th.

June 25, 2021 Fleming Focus https://5il.co/unuz

The Fleming Post Office will have extended temporary hours starting June 19th.
Monday-Friday 7:30a.m. - 4:00p.m.
Saturday 8:00a.m. - 10:00a.m.

June 11, 2021 Fleming Focus https://5il.co/tyxg

The town is spraying for mosquitos tonight weather permitting.

The town is aware of the brown outs in town and is working on the problem.

May 28, 2021 Fleming Focus https://5il.co/tdnz

Here is the new Fleming Focus 5/14